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ui hacks and ui tips

When it comes to design, we often know what looks good and what doesn’t, but understanding the “why” behind good design can be elusive. In this Blog, we explore six practical tips that can help you improve your layouts with text and spacing, making your designs more visually appealing and effective.

1. Line Height: Creating Harmony in Text

Line height, or the space between text lines, plays a crucial role in design. It’s one of the fastest ways to transform a mediocre design into an exceptional one. For headings, consider using a line height between 1.1x to 1.3x the text size. For body text, aim for 1.3x to 1.5x the text size. This consistent approach will provide harmony in your typography.

2. Letter Spacing: Crispness and Clarity

Letter spacing, or kerning, influences the legibility and aesthetics of your text. For headings, try negative letter spacing (-1% to -2%) to achieve crispness. However, use it sparingly for body text, as excessive negative letter spacing can hinder readability.

3. Text Alignment: Left Alignment for Readability

Text alignment matters, especially for longer paragraphs. Avoid center-aligning paragraphs, as it can slow down reading speed. For extended text, stick to the left alignment. Consistency in alignment between headings and body text is also crucial for a professional look.

4. Text Width: The Goldilocks Zone

The width of your text also impacts readability. Aim for 50 to 75 characters per line in your body text. This range enhances user comprehension and prevents text from appearing intimidating or overwhelming.

5. Hierarchy with Font Sizes

Avoid overusing different font sizes to indicate hierarchy in your designs. Stick to two font sizes and use font-weight and subtle color changes to convey hierarchy effectively. This approach keeps your designs cleaner and more professional.

Spacing: The Art of Relationship

Spacing between elements, often overlooked, is vital for a balanced layout. Consider the relationship between elements when determining spacing. Elements with a closer relationship should be positioned nearer to each other. Use a multiplier (e.g., 1x or 2x) to maintain consistency.

  • Incorporating these six tips into your design process can elevate your layouts, making them more visually appealing and user-friendly. Remember that good design is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a positive user experience.
  • By understanding the “why” behind design principles, you can create designs that not only look good but also serve their purpose effectively. Start applying these tips to your projects today to see the immediate difference they can make in your designs.

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