Figma offers various keyboard shortcuts to enhance productivity and streamline the design process. Here are some essential Figma shortcuts:
General Shortcuts
Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Cmd + Z (Mac)
Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac)
Copy: Ctrl + C (Windows) / Cmd + C (Mac)
Paste: Ctrl + V (Windows) / Cmd + V (Mac)
Duplicate: Ctrl + D (Windows) / Cmd + D (Mac)
Delete: Delete or Backspace
Zoom In: Ctrl + + (Windows) / Cmd + + (Mac)
Zoom Out: Ctrl + – (Windows) / Cmd + – (Mac)
Zoom to Fit: Shift + 1
Zoom to 100%: Shift + 0
Pan: Space + drag with the mouse
Selection and Layers
Select All: Ctrl + A (Windows) / Cmd + A (Mac)
Select None: Ctrl + Shift + A (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + A (Mac)
Group Selection: Ctrl + G (Windows) / Cmd + G (Mac)
Ungroup Selection: Ctrl + Shift + G (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + G (Mac)
Bring Forward: Ctrl + ] (Windows) / Cmd + ] (Mac)
Send Backward: Ctrl + [ (Windows) / Cmd + [ (Mac)
Bring to Front: Ctrl + Shift + ] (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + ] (Mac)
Send to Back: Ctrl + Shift + [ (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + [ (Mac)
Shape and Object Tools
Frame Tool: F
Rectangle Tool: R
Ellipse Tool: O
Line Tool: L
Pen Tool: P
Text Tool: T
Align and Distribute
Align Left: Alt + A (Windows) / Option + A (Mac)
Align Center: Alt + H (Windows) / Option + H (Mac)
Align Right: Alt + D (Windows) / Option + D (Mac)
Align Top: Alt + W (Windows) / Option + W (Mac)
Align Middle: Alt + V (Windows) / Option + V (Mac)
Align Bottom: Alt + S (Windows) / Option + S (Mac)
Distribute Horizontal: Alt + Shift + H (Windows) / Option + Shift + H (Mac)
Distribute Vertical: Alt + Shift + V (Windows) / Option + Shift + V (Mac)
Component and Instance
Create Component: Ctrl + Alt + K (Windows) / Cmd + Option + K (Mac)
Detach Instance: Ctrl + Alt + B (Windows) / Cmd + Option + B (Mac)
Swap Instance: Alt + / (Windows) / Option + / (Mac)
Text Formatting
Bold: Ctrl + B (Windows) / Cmd + B (Mac)
Italic: Ctrl + I (Windows) / Cmd + I (Mac)
Underline: Ctrl + U (Windows) / Cmd + U (Mac)
Increase Font Size: Ctrl + Shift + . (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + . (Mac)
Decrease Font Size: Ctrl + Shift + , (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + , (Mac)
Viewing and Presentation
Show/Hide UI: Ctrl + \ (Windows) / Cmd + \ (Mac)
Enter Full Screen: F11 (Windows) / Cmd + Ctrl + F (Mac)
Presentation Mode: Ctrl + Enter (Windows) / Cmd + Enter (Mac)
Add Comment: C
Next Comment: N
Previous Comment: Shift + N
Note: These shortcuts cover a range of essential functions in Figma, helping new designers work more efficiently and effectively.
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